Management experience & Sailing KnowHow

"It's my motivation to develop people! Based on the individual talents anyone can increase professonalism and team spirit using further qualitfication, true self awareness and higher sensitivity against others."


 "In my carreer as manager and sailor my crew
was always the foundation of any success
It's all about people!

Let's produce your Top-Team!"

Rolf Glunz


Rolf Glunz, born 1959, graduated at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg in computer sience, worked for more than15 years as responsible manager in various roles, e.g. Consulting Director of General Manager in professional service firms as Oracle Germany GmbH or IHS Technologies GmbH. Since 1980 he summarizes knowledge in further education and employee qualification as trainer and coach. Working as Branch Manager and Head of Sales for imbus AG.

In the age of 8 he starts sailing by  crossing the Sound of Flensburg in a small gib, meanwhile he'slooking back to more than 20.000 miles in the mediterranian sea, baltic and north sea and carribean. As a successful instructor of DSV sailing licences he opened the nautical experiencs to a huge number ot people.

Do not hesitate talking to me - all my numbers here